Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All about red beets

With abundance of other vegetables in US Red beets are not as popular as they are in Russia or Ukraine. Beets however have a great nutritional and health benefits as they are loaded with antioxidant that helps the body against heart disease, certain cancer especially colon cancer and even birth defects. Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beets their red color; this pigment is responsible for its many health benefits. Red beets also contain a number of essential vitamins and minerals and low in calories, some featured on Food Network in Alton Brown's "Good Eats".

Mamas Recipes offer a variety of simple and delicious red beets recipes

Винегрет (Vinegret) - beet and potatoes salad. - common for a Russian festive dinner (shown in the photo above).

Hot Борщ (Borsch) - Traditional Russian Beet soup dating back to the end of 18th century.

Besides hot borsch you will find two other recipes; a traditional cold borsch recipe and the easy cold borsch version.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Introducing Mamas Recipes website

I would like to introduce our brand new website:
http://www.mamasrecipes.net - The inspiration for this brand new
website came from various dining events that often take place at
Sky Farm private club in New Jersey, of which we are a proud members.
The events vary from weekend
lunches to pot lock and theme dinners where everybody participates
with a dist or two. And since my wife Galina was often asked for a
recipe, I decided to put them all on the website, and
The website will be featuring simple to make delicious Russian, Ukrainian and Jewish recipes, some are Galina's own creations.
Come back and visit
MAMAS RECIPES later for new recipes - we are just starting!